The three middle stanzas basically were Angelou saying that she did, she can, and she will overcome whatever adversity she was faced with. In a way she taunted the reader, by saying something similar to, "You thought I couldn't do it, but look at me now!", then she asked if her level of pride was offensive, and then went on to say that she didn't care if it was. After all the teasing and taunting, Angelou said that you can try to hurt in any way you desire but she will still overcome
The three middle stanzas basically were Angelou saying that she did, she can, and she will overcome whatever adversity she was faced with. In a way she taunted the reader, by saying something similar to, "You thought I couldn't do it, but look at me now!", then she asked if her level of pride was offensive, and then went on to say that she didn't care if it was. After all the teasing and taunting, Angelou said that you can try to hurt in any way you desire but she will still overcome