Maya is able to cope in her world by witnessing Momma’s actions. For example, when Maya was ten years old, she observed one of the most painful experience she ever had with her grandma. A few powhitetrash students came to the store and mocked Momma. The students made fun of the way Momma talk and stand. One girl did a handstand without any clothes underneath, she is treating Momma with a low class status thinking that the handstand was appropriate for Momma. The students are trying to be disrespectful but Momma remains serene and respects herself by showing she is not rude in the powhitetrash girls’ level. Momma’s …show more content…
Mrs. Flowers invite Maya over to her house and addresses Maya’s problem. Mrs. Flowers then gave Maya Tale of Two Cities novel to read and Maya’s voice appear after years of hiding. Mrs. Flowers also tells Maya she is welcome back anytime and wants Maya to read and recite poems each time she comes. Mrs. Flowers help Maya use her voice again and Maya feels loved because she knows Mrs. Flowers liked her for being Marguerite Johnson, not Sister Henderson’s grandchild or Bailey’s sister. Whenever Maya reads, she remembers Mrs. Flowers. Books became a guide to Maya that helps her escape reality and into her safe imaginary world. She remembers Mrs. Flowers and the books that are able to serve her through her