The three of them shoplifted, experimented with drugs, and ranging from marijuana to ecstasy to cocaine. Her friend Rick got Maya, Debbie, and Sarah into extorting money from pedophiles by answering their online ads and then accusing them of attempted rape. Due to all the trouble Maya’s got into her Grandmother decided to ship her off to Chiloé, Chile. Which turns out to be not only a beautiful place where she becomes sober after years destroying her body. A year before Maya went to Chiloé, she escaped from rehab and she needed a someone to take her back home. She came across a freeway and someone was nice enough to take her to Las Vegas, but the driver forced her to stay the night with him at a hotel. That night she was sexually assaulted and the next day the driver dumped her in the streets of Las Vegas. That’s when she ran into Brandon Leeman, which he provided Maya a place to stay and a job so she can make money. He told Maya the rules on how to run his job, she couldn’t speak to anyone and she couldn’t go anywhere by herself. She was also aware that Leeman was working as a drug …show more content…
When he was born his parents couldn’t afford to raise him so they put him in an adoption home. After he was put in the Adoption home Daniel was soon adopted by Robert Goodrich and Alice Wilkins. The couple adopted because Alice couldn’t conceive, but the couple was surprised when his sister Frances was born four years later. Daniel has always been close to his sister. Later in his life his parents ended up getting divorced. Daniel and his sister grew up in two loving homes. His parents and sharing custody of the children. Despite the confusing situations that surrounded him, Daniel always felt loved by all his parent figures. Sadly, after nine days Daniel left to Seattle to work at a Psychiatric Clinic.During the Spring, Chile celebrated a national holiday called Fiestas Patrias in September. This holiday is similar to American Independence Day, and it’s when families come together from great distances. She traveled with Manuel to Santiago for his neurology appointment. Maya’s trip was continuously thinking why Don Schnake, gave her a personal pass to see the doctor with Manuel to have a special surgery for his aneurysm. After the trip to the doctor, they ended up having dinner at Blanca’s house. Manuel told Maya that he is her grandfather because he is Andrés father. Unfortunately, Andrés doesn’t know because Manuel wanted to keep it a secret. After dinner, Maya ended receiving an