creature the first man was made out of clay and tried to speak, but crumpled right away, the next man the gods made were from wood that could walk, talk, but had no minds and hearts were empty, the gods sent a great flood to destroy the failed men and created the third men from white corn they formed four men that could see to the ends of the earth, see above and through objects, the gods didn't want the men to see as far as the gods so decreased their vision only to what's close and around them like how it is today.
creature the first man was made out of clay and tried to speak, but crumpled right away, the next man the gods made were from wood that could walk, talk, but had no minds and hearts were empty, the gods sent a great flood to destroy the failed men and created the third men from white corn they formed four men that could see to the ends of the earth, see above and through objects, the gods didn't want the men to see as far as the gods so decreased their vision only to what's close and around them like how it is today.