This civilizacion achieve important techological advances like written, Mathematics, Architecture, maya calendar and astronomy.
Mayans were astronomers, they use a calendar, they could essentially predict the future. They believed that the stars and the moon were gods.
The mayan were very religious, they built big cities and grates beautiful temples with the objective to invoke the nature : The sun, the moon, the rain, the day and the night, they believe in Gods, but the major God of the mayan people was Izamma known as the earth and fire God.
· The supreme, rules, emperor
· …show more content…
Very important in this culture, they had lot of gods and everyone has an own story.
TLALOC God of rain, his gift was provide of water to help to the crops and become a successful land.
QUETZALCOATL is the primordial god of creation, a giver for life.
HUITZILOPONCHTLI god of mexica war, he was an important guide for people toward conquer.
God Yumil Kaxob, the maize God is representative of the rip grain which was the base of the mayan agriculture system.
Was a part important in religion, they believe sacrifice makes the nature worked for good result in their live, they offer a person or an animal life to thank god. They also used to do it for medical ceremonies.
They were also necessary to ensure the existence of the gods in order to replenish their periodic consumption of energy.
Sacrificed prisoners of war, slaves, childrens, sons of childrens,
Children were preferable, because of their pure.
The bodies of th nobility were incinerated and then their ashes were placed in vases, after that the built temples above, they used to left some funeral