Teotihuacan Terms adornos – molded adornments apartment complexes backrack barrios
Batres, Leopoldo
Great Goddess
Host Figures incensario - incense burner
Pachuca obsidian patio Pennsylvania State, Teotihuacan Mapping Project — Wm. Sanders & B. Price
Pyramid of Moon
Pyramid of Sun
San Juan River slab-footed, stucco-covered cylinder tripod bows w/ lids
Storm God War Headdress
Street of the Dead strontium and oxygen isotope talud-tablero Temple of the Feathered Serpent
Teotihuacan = "Place Where the Gods Lived"
Teotihuacan Archaeological Project — S. Sugyama & R. Cabrera theater-style incensarios
Thin Orange Pottery
Tlaloc – Storm God
Veracruz Barrio
Zapotec Barrio
10/4 – Recitation * Lost Kingdoms of the Maya - Movie * Stevens and Catherwood * Bill Fash * Robert Sharer * David Stuart – Epigrapher * Codices * Barbara Fash – Draws the pictures * Linda Schele – Epigrapher * Ball game – Represent movement of sun and starts, bountiful harvest * Supreme source of nourishment to the gods is Blood * Chu’lel = soul – Living force of the universe * Copal – Used for incense * Huipil = traditional Maya dress * Chip Morris * Xibalba = underworld – place of fright *