1. Your maze must consist of between 20 and 25 slides. You need to have a clear beginning and ending. Therefore, you need a title slide, as well as a conclusion slide.
2. For your maze, you should consider your audience (classmates), the message you are trying to get across (why are you sharing this information?), and the setting for your presentation (Room 612).
3. Your maze can be about anything, but must be appropriate for viewing in the classroom! No drugs, alcohol, violence, etc. Possible ideas: pop culture references, expand on a video game you like, a sports themed maze, a hobby that you are involved in, endorsing a product or business, all about you, etc.
4. Use any and all features that we have learned in PowerPoint. This includes inserting ClipArt, digital pictures, sounds, etc. Be sure to use slide transitions and animation. Make your presentation creative and representative of your best work!
5. Other elements needed for this project are: hyperlinked slides, auto shapes, action settings, etc.
6. If you are unsure about the appropriateness of any slide, sound, etc…ASK the teacher! Do not spend time preparing a slide you cannot use. Remember, “appropriate” to you may not be considered appropriate for classmates, the instructor, or the Lake Geneva School District. Other teachers or administration may be attending these presentations.
7. Neatness and professionalism are the key words for this assignment. All of your slide transitions should be initiated by the user. Remember that you are the only one who knows what your completed maze looks like. Try to remember what a person going through it for the first time is going to feel.
8. Have fun with this project! Be creative, reflect on yourself, and explore the PowerPoint software. Be enthusiastic with your presentation and delivery.
Maze Project
PowerPoint Grading Rubric (100 points)
Feature Points Score
Presentation to class (your