I do agree with the statement “Human Resources Management is a proactive approach and personnel management is a reactive approach to perform the same set of functions related to managing human resources”.
Some experts assert that there is no difference between human resources and personnel management. They state that the two terms can be used interchangeably, with no difference in meaning. In fact, the terms are often used interchangeably in help-wanted ads and job descriptions.
The functions of P/HRM can be broadly classifies into two categories viz: Managerial functions & Operative functions.
Operative Functions include the below:
1. Employment
▪ Job Analysis
It is the process of study and collection of information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job.
▪ HR planning
It is the a process of determination and assuring that the organisation will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times, performing job which would meet the needs of the organisation.
▪ Recruitment
It is the process of searching for prospective employees
▪ Selection
It is the process of selecting the right person for the right job.
▪ Placement
It is the process of assigning the selected candidate with the suitable job.
▪ Induction
It is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a company and providing them with the basic information needed to settle down quickly.
2. HR Development
▪ Performance appraisal:
It is the systematic