Specializations: - Aviation Management
Note :- (i) Solve any 10 Questions
(ii) All Question carry equal marks.
Q 1 ) Explain Civil Aviation in Aviation Management ?
Q 2 ) Describe Aviation Sector in India with example ?
Q 3) Explain with example Aircraft Regulation and guidance.?
Q 4 ) Explain Air traffic control and its importance ?
Q 5 ) Explain Air Safety Standards In Aviation Industry ?
Q 6 ) Explain Operational Management , Infrastructure Management , Regulatory Management & Security & Safety Management authorities of Aviation Management ?
Q 7) Write note on International Air Transport Association(IATA) ?
Q 8) Write notes on Aircraft Management Safety Standards Guidelines for Federal Flight Programmes.?
Q 9 ) Explain flow of a Fixed base operation (airport support area) to the scheduling of planes and pilots ?
Q 10 ) flow of a Fixed base operation (airport support area) to the scheduling of planes and pilots ?
Q 11 ) Explain the meaning of following :-
A ) Red channel
B ) Post Flight Check
C) Handling of Disable People
d) Excess Baggage e ) Special Handling f ) Aisle g ) Excursion Fire h ) Inland Air travel tax
Q 12 ) What are the step involved in pre-flight arrangement of an Aircraft ?
Q 13 ) Explain the Procedure of Baggage Handling for an International Flight ?
Q 14 ) What is a Seating Chart ? Describe the seating arrangements in an aircraft ?
Q 15 ) Explain the procedure of post-flight arrangement and differentiate post-flight arrangement from pre-flight arrangement ?
Q 16 ) Distinguish between trimming and loading . Write about the procedure of loading