1. “The managers of tomorrow will not be a bigger man than his father was before him.” – Critically analyse this statement and discuss the tasks expected to be performed by future managers to effectively deal with management challenges.
2. Identify four corporate social responsibility initiatives adopted by corporates which you are familiar with.
3. “More centralization and decentralization are not advisable” – Do you agree or disagree? Justify. Suggest when and where these two concepts effectively applied in corporate.
4. “MBO is the motivating factor or controlling technique”. Critically evaluate this statement. Compare and contrast between MBO and MBE.
1.2 international accounting
1. “Creditors and Investors are fully depending up on ratio analysis to find out the Company’s credit worthiness and profitability” – critically evaluate this statement.
2. “Valuation of Intangible Assets and goodwill is very difficult at the time of takeover” – Evaluate this statement.
3. “An effective finance manager in an MNC easily overcome the issues in International Financial Statement Analysis” – Give your opinion..
4. “Japan dimension of Accounting is entirely different from Indian Accounting” – Do you agree? Substantiate your answer with suitable example.
1.3 international economics
1. Liberalisation and globalization of trade policies have an impact on the growth of domestic trade – Discuss.
2. (a) Do IMF and other financial institutions play a importance role in foreign trade policy? If so elucidate the above statement. (b) “IMF is a key to economic development of all countries in the world” – Discuss.
3. The “EXIM POLICY” play a synthetic role for developing countries like India to develop economic integration. Explain the above statement with the salient features of “EXIM POLICY”.
4. Comment upon the efforts made by GATT towards solving international liquidity