There have been revolutionary changes brought about in the field of Human Resource Management in the last decade. The most important of these is the recognition of the importance of HRD as a strategic business partner. This means accepting the HR function as a strategic partner in the formulation of the company’s strategies as well as in the implementation of those strategies through HR activities such as recruitment, selection, compensation, training and rewarding personnel. One of the most important functions of Human Resource Management is the Recruitment and Selection of employees within the organization .And one industry where Recruitment and Selection is very essential in the industry. Getting the projects in the industry, this makes to Recruitment and Selection the people in the organization. This project deals with “The Study of the Recruitment and Selection” at IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Ltd”. This Project focuses on the roles of recruit of people in an organization, and selecting a suitable person for the post. Placing a right candidate at a right time and right place the recruitment and selection process is completed in IVRCL.
THE OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ARE: * To study the recruitment and selection process. * To identify the areas in which the recruitment cost can be brought down. * To know about different strategies those are implementing in recruitment process. * To suggest improvements for enhancing the effectiveness of the recruiting program.
Time constraint:
Since the project is for a limited duration more information could not be collected from the company.
Secondary data:
Since the data that has been considered for analysis and evaluation is secondary data, all the limitations that pertain to secondary data will be present. There is a possibility of biased information