Chapter 20.1 Media Planning
Number of promotional messages from the manufacturer need to be communicated with the prospective customer of the product. Media plan determines the best way to get the advertiser’s message to the market thro’ various media vehicles. In the basic sense, the goal of the media plan is to find combination of media that enables the marketer to communicate the message in the most effective manner to the largest # of potential clients at the lowest possible cost.
Technologies adopted:
Media vehicle: Media vehicle is the mode by which the message is transmitted to cable network, magazine, banner etc.,
Coverage/Reach: reach refers to the audience exposed to a media vehicle atleast once in a given period of time. Coverage indicates the degree to which the info reaches the market. It is expressed as a %. Coverage = Circulation = 300,000 = 30% -------------- ---------- Total # of HHs 1000,000 The greater the coverage, the greater the # of people exposed to the message. Ex: If a newspaper has a circulation of 3 lac HHs in the area covered, where the total # of HHs is 10 lac, then the newspaper coverage is said to be 30%.
The above coverage does not indicate the actual audience size of the newspaper. This brings us the difference bet circulation & readership.
Module 2 Media Planning & Strategy
Chapter 20.2 Media Planning - 2
Circulation: Circulation refers to the total # of copies sold of a particular newspaper or a magazine. It applies only to the press media. Circulation only indicates the potential audience size of a newspaper or a magazine. It does not necessarily mean that this # of people actually read the publication.
Readership: Readership should not be confused with the