73 Evans, Manis). However the argument itself if just a mere introduction into what “God” is or rather who “God” might be. Evans and Manis hint to this in their final paragraph. McCloskey’s version of the argument is misguided in the notion that each individual argument is to be pulled apart singularly or that they cannot relate to form an over arching theme that “Gods” existence is dependent upon many facets. One may look to the “The Absurdity of Life Without God” article when defending this frame of view. That without “God” and the necessity of existence humanity is just a happy accident that is riddled with a meaningless purpose. Though personally the purpose of life and the existence of “God” are not relatable other than the fact they are ideas and existential questions asked only to attempt to “prove” the cause of unexplainable events or
73 Evans, Manis). However the argument itself if just a mere introduction into what “God” is or rather who “God” might be. Evans and Manis hint to this in their final paragraph. McCloskey’s version of the argument is misguided in the notion that each individual argument is to be pulled apart singularly or that they cannot relate to form an over arching theme that “Gods” existence is dependent upon many facets. One may look to the “The Absurdity of Life Without God” article when defending this frame of view. That without “God” and the necessity of existence humanity is just a happy accident that is riddled with a meaningless purpose. Though personally the purpose of life and the existence of “God” are not relatable other than the fact they are ideas and existential questions asked only to attempt to “prove” the cause of unexplainable events or