Mrs. Peterson
English 101
09 August, 2012
McDonald’s Manipulation
It's not always so easy to spot the tactics companies use to advertise. Many consumers may believe it's the design or the neatness of an advertisement that sells the products. Although the neatness and boldness of color of the two burgers being displayed help to draw the attention of the consumer, it is not always what is noticed right away that wins someone over. Consensus, Reciprocation, Commitment, and Availability, are all advertisement principles effectively being used in this McDonalds advertisement in order to get their food into the stomachs of as many consumers they possibly can.
The bold green color of the lettuce all the way to the whiteness of the sesame seeds are portrayed perfectly to entice the consumer. Companies such as McDonalds take days of preparation work to perfectly put together these uneatable sandwiches being shown in the advertisement. With some paint and a little glue the consumer gets the illusion of a perfect sandwich. What may not be noticed right away, above the one burger is a stamp that says “100 % Angus” and “New” (McDonalds) and inside the stamp is the letter A, in this sense McDonalds is using the Consensus Principles by appearing to be dominate in their beef. By saying that their burgers are 100 % Angus beef, gives no room for a competitor to have a more premium Angus burger, meaning McDonalds must have the best. Let’s say at this point McDonalds has gotten the attention of the consumer. They might start getting hungry but their still not dead set on going to Micky D’s. That’s why companies like McDonalds use more than one advertisement principle to try to reel the consumer in. Reciprocation is probably the most successful of the advertisement principles for a fast food chain. The reciprocation principle, “Which suggests that we are obligated to give back to others the form of behavior that they have given to us. So if someone does us a favor we