McDonald’s failed to acknowledge the potential problems with inviting an open-ended conversation on Twitter, by using the “#McDstories” hashtag. In undertaking a social media outreach effort like this, there is always the risk that the conversation can be co-opted and negatively impacted. Subsequently, bad press can hurt a brand, even when comments are meant as a joke, and even if they are over-the-top. "Once you have a negative association, it 's almost impossible to just remove the link from people 's minds” (Fitzsimons & Morwitz, 2007, p. 489). To avoid such risk, a company that is using Twitter as media to advertise, should consider the brand affinity on various social networks and the choice of words for posts. Furthermore, the company also needs to be prepared for a mixed response and figure out a contingency plan. Last but not least, the firm must keep the focus on customers and not to negative responses.
Brand affinity needs to be examined
References: Amerland, D., (2012, January 24). Abject Lessons Learnt from McDonald’s Social Media Disaster. Socialmedia Today. Retrieved from Bradshaw, T. Rapperport, A., (2012, January 25). McDonald’s Twitter ad Campaign Bacfires as Customers Vent Anger. Corporate Accountability International. Retrieved from Dubois, S., (2012, January 31). Why McDonald’s should have known better. CNN Money. Retrieved from Fitzsimons, J., (2007), Advances in Consumer Research, Vicki M. Eds., Vol. 34. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. McNaughton, M., (2012, January 24). Lessons From the #McDStories Promoted Trend Controversy. The Realtime. Retrieved from Meranus, R., (2007). Managing Bad Press. PR Newswire. Retrieved from Noelle., (2012, January 25). Why McDonald’s Twitter campaign went horribly wrong. Buzzworthy Social Media. Retrieved from Ruggless, R., (2010, October 15). How McDonald 's uses social media to connect. Nation 's Restaurant News. Retrieved from