Motivation can be defined as the processes that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining an organizational goal. Intensity means that amount of effort put forth to meet the goal. That means how much of the labor you put into the job to achieve the goals. Besides that, direction can be defined as the efforts are channeled toward to organizational goals. It means that their success is through leading by their supervisor or manager to achieve their goals. The persistence is how long the effort is maintained. That means how much time your labor can be maintained. Motivation involves biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate the behavior.
Initiative taken by McDonald to motivate its employees(Malaysia)
The initiatives taken by McDonald Malaysia to motivate its employees are McDonald Malaysia will honor special service awards to their employees who have been with the company at least five years. McDonald Malaysia will award 5th year, 10th year, 15th year, and 20th year service award to their employees. For their employees who work for 20th year in McDonald Malaysia will award a RM5, 000 cash, McDonald’s stock options, a certificate and a second sabbatical leave. McDonald Malaysia will also award the President’s Award to a special employee and salute two employee who have shown total contribution and commitment in their work during the year with the “Best Employee Award” in every year.
Besides that, McDonald Malaysia will provide training possible for their employees. In fact, they provide training is to having fulfilled certain criteria and years of working at McDonald Malaysia, employees with potential to manage restaurants will sent to Hamburger University to attend course that will help to prepare them further in restaurant and business management. McDonald Malaysia also gives great pay and yearly increments for their employees.
Then, McDonald
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