McDonalds’s “Senior’s”
McDonalds “Seniors” Restaurant Bridgett Bowen is the owner of a McDonalds restaurant that is open to public but recently the main clientele of the Bowens restaurant has been seniors. She would like to develop a marketing strategy that addresses the needs of her senior citizen patrons and also the regular everyday customer. However, she is looking for additional recommendations to improve her marketing mix. It is important not to neglect senior citizens as they are an important part of the market and they have money to spend but at the same time young consumers are considered to be the main users of chain restaurants due to the reputation of most McDonald stores. If Bowens decides to only concentrate on her senior clientele, she seriously risks the future profitability and popularity of her business.
These older customers are an orderly group and very friendly to anyone who comes in. Further, they are neater than most customers, and carefully clean up their tables before they leave. Nevertheless, Suzanne is beginning to wonder if anything should be done about her growing non fast-food clientele. There is no crowding problem yet, during the time when the seniors like to come. But if the size of the senior citizen group continues to grow, crowding could become a problem. Further, Suzanne is concerned that her restaurant might come to be known as an old people restaurant which might discourage some younger customers. And if customers felt the restaurant was crowded, some might feel that they wouldnt get fast service. On the other hand, a place that seems busy might be seen as a good place to go and a friendly place eat with family. I also think that no restaurant business will want their clients to stay for a long time without purchasing items on a consistent basis. Bridgett needs to develop a strategy where she will have a constant flow of buying consumers young