Now whether this is good image issue for McDonald’s depends largely on the company stated objectives. According to the article, a key part of McDonald’s philosophy is what we see playing out at Quinn’s restaurant, so if this is the case, then Quinn’s actions seem to align with key parts of the company philosophies. One can argue that she certainly has achieved some success in adapting those philosophies and combining them with elements of the marketing mix to help fulfill the overall firm objectives and perhaps impacting the firm’s bottom line. In practice, the marketing mix in this example is conveyed by the restaurant’s menu offering, the $1.99 meal, being offered at a price that is reasonably affordable, the free coffee refills take the form of the restaurant promotion and the meal products seem readily available to seniors at a convenience, both in place and time.
The senior citizen market segment signifies the repeat customers that a firm typically
References: Perreault Jr., William D., Cannon, Joseph P., McCarthy, E. Jerome. (2009). Basic Marketing - A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin