According to the McKinsey 7s model analysis, MEPA’s organisational structure is a very traditional one.
We have a hierarchy with a CEO at the top of the reporting structure and different layers of managers supervising employees below him. My organisation has a clear reporting structure. The higher a person is in this structure, the more authority, he or she has, but also more responsibilities.
With such a hierarchical structure clear lines of communication are enforced. Employees receive their policy directions and day-to-day assignments from their direct manager. There is a direct line of reporting between the employees and their direct superiors. Orders are given from the top, while employees; send information …show more content…
What adds to this complexity is the perception that in a digital age the concept of sharing data should be easy, transparent, and seamless.
Research shows a strong association between age and the so-called digital divide. The older employees are less likely to use ICT when compared to other age groups; hence the total digitalisation of the policy distribution may hinder their actual implementation.
These employees have an attitudinal problem in the sense that they are willing to try but are not particularly interested; or they do not feel very self-confident using ICT hence they do not realise in full grasp the benefits of the technology. Some of them, due the nature of their work lack the necessary skills (digital literacy) while for a small section of our employees it is not practical or not even worth considering using a computer to access the organisation policies.
Management and leadership styles:
MEPA’s top management had to adopt a rigid style when it comes to the implementation of the corporate policies. It is the top level of our management that is dictating what do to and which policies should be …show more content…
The continued use of this style is becoming very frustrating for the employees. It is breaking down trust, inducing well trained employees to seek other opportunities elsewhere. This has also led to some individuals to manifest some mental health problems such as burnout stress or anxiety status.
The actual administration is focusing more on the planning side of the organisation. Our environmental policies have become the underdogs of the authority. The 2014 MEPA Annual Report, (which was also debated in Parliament) shows evidence that most of the auditor’s recommendations on the environmental polices had fallen on deaf ears.
This goes to prove that MEPA was and seems pre-destined to remain a planning driven authority, no matter how much certain speculators might try and give the impression that it tilts far too much towards the environment.
Therefore, our leadership style is predominately an authoritarian one. MEPA has become an entity where the leadership has full control of the operations and leaves little room for autonomy within the employees who are expected to complete the assigned tasks under close supervision while unlimited authority is granted to the