January 23rd, 2013
Marine Corps Order 1050.3J: Concerning Leave, Liberty, and Administrative Absence The topic of this paper was brought up during a brief, the cause of which was due to improper explanations for unavailability for the month of February. The reason this essay is being written is to rectify the problem as well as keep all Marines informed as to what exactly constitutes Leave, Liberty, and Administrative Absence. As well, it will be explained what situations fall under non-availability (In the case that an individual is exempt from having to stand duty). In MCO 1050.3J, it is stated: "In granting leave, consideration must be given to operational and training workloads, the maintenance of the required degree of operational readiness, and the desires of the individual Marine. All Marines shall be provided the time to take annual leave." - MCO 1050.3J Page 1-1 Section 2 b.
Essentially what this means is that leave, while command is required to allow leave, the operational readiness of the unit must still be maintained whether that's due to a heavy workload or training schedules such as field operations or training. All this meaning, leave cannot be taken if there are things that must be complete or maintained that requre the individuals presence or if the unit will become not operationally ready. The order also states clearly the definition of Liberty and when it is to be allowed. The following is an excerpt from the order which defines Liberty. "Liberty shall normally be granted outside of normal working hours to Marines not required to be physically present for work assignments or for the manning level required for operational readiness. Special liberty during working hours may be granted for its defined purposes when considered appropriate."
Liberty again, is a privelege and the command has the right to deny Marines liberty as the situation dictates. Most important for this explanation are