Neighbor Feedback
Summary from September 24 & 27
Comments were captured during the Open Houses and are summarized below. They are not in any rank order. Similar comment were summarized. Comments are not verbatim, rather the key concept summarized.
If these do not capture the sentiment of the comments, please send a note to for correction and/or modification
Additional Background
Skyline meadow - Clear and leave natural vs grass
Keep it peaceful
We don’t need a place to view the city skyline, there are plenty of places to do that
Make it like a park – it is a no brainer
Don’t encourage people to come up here
Don’t talk about concepts until security is addressed
Trees – will oppose the removal of any trees on Hilltop Meadow
16 year old shot on January 7, 2008
Murder - (+/- 15 year ago) appears to have been drug related
Cannot find any reference to murder in Chastain Park
Reference of drug related suicide 10-12 years ago
Reference (2006) of Chastain Park girl attempting suicide with vehicle
Teenage drug and alcohol hangout
Arson at Grill at large turn out
Teenagers burning Christmas tree from chimney of fireplace in late December. Fire department put fire out. +/-6pm.
Screams during the night (not specific to time). Not sure if they are being attacked or engaged in sexual activity
Trails should not be established. Emory put in trails and 4 girls were killed.
Root has call into Emory University for background and timing on incident
Street is Dark
Lighting summary will be part of security assessment
Cars speed along drive
Park Drive traffic calming is part of Trust Fund proposal
Activity all night on Friday/Saturday nights
Kids hanging out after school
Pedestrians are not safe
MP initiative for PATH