determine the rate of infection. The same calculations should be done for the control groups to…
The earthworm (Lumbricus spp.) gut can be dissected and examined in vitro using an organ bath and force transducer. This preparation is robust; it can remain active for several hours. In this experiment, you…
The glow worm can live up to 5 months but would most likely die before 5 months.…
There is a huge advantage to using fruit flies instead of another organism. Fruit flies have simple food requirements, they occupy little space (they are contained in vials), they complete their life in about 8-14 days (depending on the temperature), they produce many offspring, and they can be “put to sleep” to examine them (Life). Although there are many factors that determine the life span of the fruit flies, the biggest one is the temperature of the environment they are in. When they are in room temperature, the life cycle lasts for about 10-12 days. It starts by the male depositing his sperm into the female. If fertilization occurs, the female lays about 500 eggs on top of either fruit or any decomposing organic matter. This is the first stage of fruit flies--the egg. The egg is oval and has two filaments at one end, and after about one day, they hatch into larva. The larva is divided into three different stages: the 1st instar, the 2nd instar, and the 3rd instar. The total amount of time that it is in the larva stage is between 3-5 days. During the first instar, the larva eats continuously, tunneling through the medium. It sheds its skin twice, each time, it increases in size. After it molts, it enters the second instar (after about a day). During the second instar, it eats all it can, like a…
References: Addison, W. (2001, October 15). Earthworms. School of Arts & Sciences - University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved November 27, 2011, from…
LIFE HISTORY: Unmated adults overwinter in plant debris, crevices of fences and buildings, and other protected sites around woodlands, gardens and agricultural fields. They become active at temperatures above 50 °F and begin to mate in the spring. Eggs hatch in 7-10 days and larvae take about 15 days to complete development to the pupae stage. Pupae live about 7 days before becoming adults. In east central Utah, two summer generations of adults occur.…
They are yellow mealworm for only a short 6 to 18 days. Mealworms are more likely to be in the northern cooler states. They are believed to be of a European descent. They are one of the largest insects of stored products. There larva stage only lasts about 3 whole months. They hibernate in the winter when the leave there larva stage. They hibernate until spring or summer season.…
The Japanese Beetle larvae/grub can be found underground. Here it will destroy whatever turf is above by eating the roots. The grub will feed from April-May and then from August to November. Not only will the grub cause damage by eating the grass roots but it will attract animals like geese and raccoons that will do damage to the turf from above by digging to get to the grubs. The grub is no larger than a quarter, white and can always be found curled up in a C shape.…
The southern pine beetle has four life stages; eggs, larva, pupa and adult. These stages are important in the infestation process of the SPB. Also the infestation process of the SPB consists out of four stages; colonization, re-emergence, brood survival, and emergence. In figure ?? an overview of the process, described below, is to be found.…
The data collected for the measurement of the weight of the mealworm in a seven day period, varied tremendously, as you see within the charts. The result of our group’s worms showed a…
beetles are a sertain type of insect I think they are digusting and ugly, the scientific name for them is cleopatra they are about two to three centimeters long , they have two pair of wings the hard front wings cover the thin hind when the hind wings are folded . But in this book when talk about beetles as people they talk that look they have no hope or even have nothing , in the book mawi talks about how his dad invited a beetle to his house and gave him food and shelter on page 29 . the point is that even the most unlikely beetles could be angles disguised as beetles…
Here the larvae mature for a couple of days. Dracunculiasis or the Guinea Worm is then swallowed by people who drink out of the standing water. When drinking these people are consuming these microscopic fleas that carry the Guinea worm. When in the stomach of the host the stomach acid breaks down the flea leaving the Guinea larvae alone. The larvae then travel to the small intestine and merges into the body cavity. Here is where the male and female mate leading to the death of the male worm. When the female makes it to the body cavity it will start to grow for the next 10-14 months. While buried into the cavity the worm takes tons of the bodies nutrients and vitamins to help itself grow. The Guinea worm when fully grown can grow up to 2-3 feet in length and as thick as two millimeters wide and looks like a cooked spaghetti noodle. The worm will still show now signs or symptoms to the host. After about a year of growing the worm moves to the subcutaneous part of the skin. When the worm is ready to emerge you can find it on any part of the body. It is usually on the lower part of your body mostly in the foot. You will notice the worm creates a painful heat feeling blister on that part. Within 72 hours of having this very painful blister it will burst. Being in a lot of pain many people put their infected body part into water which relieves the pain. This just doesn’t relieve pain it also peaks out of the blister sending out millions of tiny larvae into the water which starts the life cycle all over again. The only way to bring out the worm is to pull it out. Using a stick doctors pull it out little by little winding it around the stick. This can only be done inch by inch every day. Sometimes taking weeks or up to 2-3 months to fully get Dracunculiasis out of the body. Causing the infected person horrible amounts of pain. This makes people become cripple and unable to walk or…
Also known as yellow mealworms, the Tenebrio Molitor is a scavengers and are among the largest insects that infest stored products(Benette 2003). A less noticeable yet dissimilar trait of the Tenebrio molitor is that it has only four tarsal segments on its hind legs, as opposed to the five that most ground beetles possess. This…
In the life of an insect the pupal stage follows the larval stage and precedes adulthood (imago). It is during the time of pupation that the adult structures of the insect are formed while the larval structures are broken down. Pupae are inactive, and usually sessile (not able to move about). They have a hard protective coating and often use camouflage to evade potential predators.…
The pupa emerges from the cocoon as a moth after ten to twelve days . This is the last stage of silkworm’s life cycle . The adult moths mate with each other and the female moth will die after laying eggs . The amount of female moth’s eggs is more than 350 eggs .…