The central premise for Psychocat relies on a cat not dissimilar from Alice in Wonderland’s Cheshire Cat named Zag who is on a quest to learn the meaning of his existence. It advertises itself as, “the most evil game you will ever play” and when the developers said that they weren’t lying. Psychocat tortures the player continuously with its gameplay, primarily based on standard endless run mechanics: Zag runs down a rainbow tunnel rotating along the walls, jumping, and crouching to dodge the randomly generated obstacles that are constantly flying at you. Though even that isn’t where Psychocat derives its main source of entertainment. Along the way through the tunnel you come across colored walls that you can’t dodge. When Zag hits one, …show more content…
I hear you cry, absolutely, unlike Temple Run, Flappy Bird, or other endless races, it has a goal; something worth achieving other than wasting your time, and no micropayments. So double bonus.
Psychocat is tedious, but fun. It has a nice soundtrack combined with confusing, but worthwhile gameplay constantly keeping you on your toes. These things keep it entertaining allowing it value regardless of its simple plot and tedious gameplay. It’s a great value for the 99 cents it costs, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a cheap, fun game to play for a few minutes or a few hours at a time.
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