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Laws are rules that must be obeyed by every UK citizen. In a democracy like the UK nobody is above the law and everybody must abide by them or face the consequences of punishment;…
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Law is a body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.…
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There are a number of legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures that are in place and are constantly being updated and amended. Laws are passed through Westminster in the UK and are called Statutory Law. Courts will then use this to determine how the offender has “broken the law” named Case Law. Due to the complexity of legislation, cases will sometimes uncover amendments that need to be made.…
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Laws reflect the values and beliefs of a society, as society’s values change, so do it laws, are a set of rules established and enforced by the government. Laws are mandatory. Laws involve a detailed system of consequences.…
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Laws are as ancient as civilization. They are necessary for the common good and for the welfare of society. Black’s Law Dictionary, as quoted by Melvin (2012), defines law as a “body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having legal binding force”. In other words, laws are rules of behavior that are legally binding and are enforced by controlling authority. Laws affect every aspect of our lives but most of the time we are not aware of them. We pay our taxes, observe the speed limit, and avoid stealing, without having a sense of being watched. Honesty and truthfulness are natural for most people. However, laws protect the rights of individuals and business entities and allow for compensation when injury has been inflicted.…
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The law is defined as the body of rules of conduct created by the government and enforced by governmental authority. (Basic Criminal Law: the constitution, procedure and crimes/ Anniken V. Davenport-3rd edition)…
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The Law is a systematic set of rules to control conduct within a society, created by parliament and is enforced by courts.…
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Laws are the rules that every human being is supposed to abide by. Laws are set in place to ensure everyone’s safety and well being, as well as to help run a society. Good laws protect all kinds of people regardless of their gender, race, culture, age, how much money they have or what “class” they belong to. Laws can be unfair and prejudicial to certain people.…
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What are laws and why do we need them? That is a question that is asked by a lot of people, so I’ll do my best to answer this question, using ‘the lord of the flies’ as reference throughout. Laws are those things that always surround us, almost wherever we go, they aid us, protect us, give us a sense of security and pretty much stop all those people that usually need to be kept in line. Laws are pretty much an extremely important set of rules that can have enormous consequences; in the move ‘lord of the flies’ there are two main characters who represent the two different sides of rules, Ralph and Jack, Ralph may represent laws and there keepings, but Jack represents a society without laws.…
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Australia has a type of legal system known as ‘common law’. This system allows for laws to be made by judges when there is a lack of statute law (laws made by parliament). Parliament can also give authority to make laws to other bodies. Laws made by these bodies are known as ‘delegated legislation’ the most important feature of law is that it is universal.…
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According to Melvin, law is defined as “a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having legal binding force” (2011). The main purpose of law is to govern a society and to control the behavior of individuals. Law can be viewed as a form of social control as it establishes rules and regulations.…
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In order for laws to be enacted it must go through a process; the first step consists of establishing the law, which is created by the legislative branch of government and enacted; once the law is enacted they are enforced by the executive branch, which controls law enforcement agencies. Finally the judicial branch acts and applies the laws to ensure they are compatible with the United States Constitution and other legal documentation prior to any court decisions (Courts in Our Criminal Justice System, 2003). Before a law is passed they must go through each governmental branch, a law can not be passed unless it is approved by all three branches; this is recognized today as checks and balances. Laws are rules which are to be enforced if not abided by, a law is composed of politics, economics and society, and serve as peacekeepers between individuals. Like in the past laws are composed based on the needs within our society and keep some type of system within our nation. Many years ago we did not have court systems that followed specific protocols. For instance Initially in England a King would serve as a judge an impose punishment on an offender, then judges were established to hear cases on behalf of the King and looked out for his interests. Trials were not as general and easy as they are today; there were several types of trials in which an offender had to go through based on…
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The law is a system of rules, usually enforced through a set of institutions. Laws can shape of reflect society, economics or politics, and are based upon morals, ethics and values of the society the law is inflicted upon.…
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Weldon’s comment on the moral development of characters throughout a story applies directly to both Wit and Atonement. While neither Vivian, a harsh college professor, nor Briony, a young girl enthralled with mature fantasies, actually fix the mistakes they have made, each of them comes to an ethical revelation towards the end of their lives. Wit and Atonement both exemplify dramatic changes from past faulty behaviors at the end of life, but Atonement gives a more concrete demonstration of compensating for one’s sins. The characters in both novels experience a shift in their feelings of significance and arrogance after experiencing and reflecting on exceptionally harsh and complicated events, in both an emotional and physical regard.…
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Law[5] is a system of rules usually enforced through a set of institutions. The purpose of law is to provide an objective set of rules for governing conduct and maintaining order in a society.…
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