2.0 THE MEANING OF THE TERM “EVANGELION” Evangelion (ευαγγέλιοv) is a Greek word which means Gospel or joyful news; it also means “Reward for bringing good news” or even the good news itself: as when David killed the giant Goliath, it became glad tidings to the Jews; moved by this good news, they sang, danced and were joyful (see 1 Sam. 17). Evangelion acquires religious significance in the imperial cult where emperors were deified and worshiped; in this case it refers to the birth of the emperor which is announced as good tidings. In the earliest days of Christianity, Christians used the term Evagelion to refer to the proclamation of the good news about Christ, which is similar to the Old Testament’s content in Isaiah 52: 7, “How beautiful is the feet of messengers who brings good news about salvation”. Evagelion is often used in the sense of “Bringing news of victory”, especially a message that comes from battle field and declares victory over enemies. The messenger of
2.0 THE MEANING OF THE TERM “EVANGELION” Evangelion (ευαγγέλιοv) is a Greek word which means Gospel or joyful news; it also means “Reward for bringing good news” or even the good news itself: as when David killed the giant Goliath, it became glad tidings to the Jews; moved by this good news, they sang, danced and were joyful (see 1 Sam. 17). Evangelion acquires religious significance in the imperial cult where emperors were deified and worshiped; in this case it refers to the birth of the emperor which is announced as good tidings. In the earliest days of Christianity, Christians used the term Evagelion to refer to the proclamation of the good news about Christ, which is similar to the Old Testament’s content in Isaiah 52: 7, “How beautiful is the feet of messengers who brings good news about salvation”. Evagelion is often used in the sense of “Bringing news of victory”, especially a message that comes from battle field and declares victory over enemies. The messenger of