The Wiccan Rede is a statement that provides the key moral sysem in Wicca and other Witchcraft based faiths. A common form of the Rede is »An it harm none, do what ye will«. This form is the best known form called also the "eight words" couplet. It was first publicly recorded in a 1964 speech by Doreen Valiente.
A similar phrase, »Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law« has been used in Aleister Crowley's The Book of the Law in 1904.
The Long Rede has been published In 1974 in the neo-Pagan magazine Earth Religion News. This was a complete twenty-six line poem with the title "The Wiccan Rede". The last line was the familiar "short rede" couplet beginning "Eight words...". …show more content…
She ascribed it to her grandmother Adriana Porter, and claimed that the earlier published text was distorted from "its original form". After that, the poem has appeared in other versions and layouts. We can not be certain that Adriana Porter was really the writer of the original version of the Rede, since the language of the poem refers to Wiccan concepts, that have not existed in her lifetime. Therefore it is possible, that Thompson wrote it herself. It is also possible, that part of it was written before, and at least six of the verses later by somebody else. Doreen Valiente published a poem The Witches Creed in 1978 in her book Witchcraft for Tomorow, which contains some similar