Professor Garcia English 1302 Nov. 3rd, 2014
Words are used everyday. It's the easiest way for humans to communicate. Without words, our perception of the world would be perplexing. This demonstrates how important and powerful words are. Words and phrases also evoke different meaning. Words are powerful enough to start wars or create peace. In fact, how we present a word can determine someone’s positive or negative outlook on a situation. All words we use have literal or direct meaning. Sometimes words are denoted as being figuratively used, which is used to express a strong feeling while not using the literal context of a word. People can misconstrue figurative language as an escape goat to brutally demoralize a person. Throughout recent history, social media and information have been readily available, and people have been quick to assassinate political figure's character leaving it impossible to recover his/her reputation. The
U.S media is a huge advocate of misusing words to their advantageous manipulation. Many political figures have been victims of this unfair tactic. Although legal, political figures have been dealing with slanderous remarks most of their careers. Does this mean they always overcome it? No, In contrast, it sticks with them for the rest of their lives. Bill Clinton, David
Horowitz, and Wendy Davis are three political figures that have been afflicted by usage of words to batter their reputation. Bill Clinton was our nation's 42nd president. During his administration the, country’s unemployment rate dropped, crime rate was at an all time low, along with a budget surplus.
Unfortunately, Clinton was accused of a sexual scandal with a White House intern during his
2nd term in office, which undoubtedly caused