Mohammad Nazmul Huq
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh.
Ishrat Jahan Tania
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh.
Measurement of Consumer Satisfaction of Credit Card Users
Abstract: Success of any organization largely depends on how well and effectively the organization can serve its customer. Always perception can’t help a company to ensure satisfaction among its consumer. Monitoring consumers and fulfilling their expectations can ensure satisfaction. The current paper attempts to critically examine the customer satisfaction of the credit card users in Bangladesh to guide the companies to find out their lacking and ensure satisfaction among its consumers.. The study gives the detail about the difficulties faced by the credit card users. Findings are based on the formal interview and data collected through questionnaire. Finally, the paper aims to give valuable information to make the current system of service more effective.
Keywords: Purchasing spots, Booths
The card facility was first introduced in the United States in the beginning of the 20th century. Western Union, a US money transfer company, started issuing an embossed metal plate to its preferred customers in 1914. In the 1920s, a shopper 's plate - a "buy now, pay later" system - was introduced in the USA. It could only be used in the shops which issued it. In 1950, Diners Club and American Express launched their charge cards in the USA, the first "plastic money". In 1951, Diners Club issued the first credit card to 200 customers who could use it at 27 restaurants in New York. But it was only until the establishment of standards for the magnetic strip in 1970 that the credit card became part of the information age. 1958 American Express Bank, like Dinner Club, started card on travel and entertainment. By 1959 the
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