What is the effect of temperature of saline on cardiac output?
HYPOTHESIS: Cardiac output is higher in a hot saline and low in cold saline temperature parameters.
Educated Guess Answer: Phenomenally cardiac output is supposed to rise in hot saline conditions and drastically go down in cold saline conditions.
Normalising Data
Table 2.1: Cardiac output normalised data of frogs in normal, hot and cold saline conditions
Normal Hot Cold
FROG SV(mV/beat) HR(beat/min) Cardiac output(L/min) SV(mV/beat) HR(beat/min) Cardiac output(L/min) SV(mV/beat) HR(beat/min) Cardiac output(L/min)
1 0.699 53.00 37.047 0.718 33.00 23.694 0.619 68.00 42.092
2 2.179 60.00 130.74 2.54 46.00 116.84 1.94 77.00 149.38
3 0.5 59.00 29.5 0.677 39.00 26.403 0.404 75.00 30.3
4 0.786 59.00 46.374 0.755 41.00 30.955 0.68 64.00 43.52
Mean 60.92 Mean
SEM 49.47 Mean
SEM 66.32
Stddev 47.06 45.01 55.69
SEM 23.53 22.51 27.84
Observed trend: The mean cardiac output in hot saline is slightly less than the one in cold saline
Table 2.2: Normalising data of cardiac output for four frogs in hot and cold saline
Observed Trend: There is substantially a significant a below 100% magnitude in percentage of cardiac output in hot saline. On the other hand there is substantially a more than 100% magnitude in percentile of cardiac output in cold saline.
-The above observed readings thus indicate that there has been a drastic decrease. Pertinent to this change is the fact that thermoregulatory centres triggerdilation of blood vessels. Once blood vessels are dilated there is a large volume of blood that passes in them thus allowing heat loss in terms of latent heat and perpetually decreasing blood pressure of cardiac output. (Allan,2006)
–Cold conditions of cold saline triggers narrowing of blood vessels. This as a result leads to an increased pressure in blood vessels which is inevitable to provide force that pushes blood to deal with this