Professional Higher Education Bachelor 's programme
“European BUSINESS studies”
bachelor Thesis Measurement of trade show performance and its profitability within
“Biosan, Ltd” Company.
Izstažu darbības un tā rentabilitātes novērtējums, uzņēmuma “Biosan, Ltd” ietvaros.
Author | | studentOlga Oleha | Thesis Supervisor | | Dr.oec, assistant professor Anatolijs Petrovs | Programme Director | | Mg.oec.Iveta Ludviga |
RIGA, 2012
TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements 4 Abstract 5 Anotācija 6 Abbreviations 7 Introduction 8 1. Chapter 1: Literature Review and Theoretical Framework 12 1.1. Introduction to literature review 12 1.2. Definition of trade show 13 1.3. Exhibition participation 13
1.3.1 Exhibition Targets 13 1.3.2 Economic targets / Psychographic targets 14 1.3.3 Objectives for exhibitions 15 1.3.4 Stand Impact 15
1.3.5 Follow-up measures 18 1.4 Advantages of exhibitions 20 1.4.1 Product launch and demonstration 20 1.4.2 Build relationships 20 1.4.3 Learning experience 20 1.4.4 Lead generation 21 1.4.5 Brand building 21 1.4.6 Market presence 21 1.5 Disadvantages of trade events 22 1.6 Existing previous research on exhibitions 23 1.7 Introduction to Theoretical Framework 25
1.7.1 The Dependent Variable (FTF) 25
1.7.2 The Independent Variables (FTF) 26
1.7.3 Relationships and associations between variables (FTF) 26
1.7.4 Explanation of First Theoretical Framework 27
1.7.5 The Dependent Variable (STF) 29
1.7.6 The Independent Variables (STF) 29
1.7.7 Relationships and associations between variables (STF) 30 1.8 Development of research questions 30
1.8.1 Research Question 1: 31
1.8.2. Research Question 2: 31
1.8.3 Research Question 3: 31
1.8.4 Research Question 4: 31 2. Chapter 2: Description of Investigation and Analysis and Interpretation of Results 34 2.1 Introduction to Description of Investigation 34 2.2. Company background 34
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