Lab 1: Measurements of Length, Mass, and Time Applied To the Investigation of a Pendulum
3) Compare your mass measurements with the electronic balance and the beam balance in terms of accuracy and precision. The mass measurements (in grams) of sphere 1 are 23.7 grams on the balance beam and 23.1 grams on the electronic balance. We can at least confirm that sphere 1 is about 23.0 grams. In terms of sphere 2 the mass measurements of the beam are 68.6 grams and 68.0 grams on the electronic balance. Akin to the idea that we had with sphere 1, we can assume that sphere 2 is about 68.0 grams.
4) Discuss what factors influence the period of oscillation of a pendulum. Which factor has the strongest effect? Which has the weakest?
Factors that had influenced oscillation were the length of the string in meters, the angle that the sphere was released on, and the mass of the sphere. The factors with the greatest influence on the oscillation was the length of the string based on the data we recorded. The data showed an increase in the average time period of oscillation as the length of the string increased. The factors that had the least influence were the mass of the sphere and the angle at which it was released since the average periods were extremely similar.
5) Use your results to predict what the period of oscillation of a pendulum with a length of 1m will be.
Based on our results, I feel the period of oscillation will increase at 1m. At .30cm there is a prominent change in the average period when the length of the string increased to .50cm. The same result can be seen in the when the length of the string is increased from .50cm to .70cm. Following this pattern, we can speculate that the length of the string affects the period of oscillation.
6) (Experiment explanation on next page)
String Length
Sphere1 (Avg Period)
Sphere2 (Avg Period)
L = .30m
10 degrees
L= .50m