JUNE 2005 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Nathan Associates Inc. and its partner organizations.
Measuring Competitiveness and Labor Productivity in Cambodia’s Garment Industry
DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.
Sponsored by the Economic Growth office of USAID’s Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT), and implemented by Nathan Associates Inc. under Contract No. PCE-I-00-00-00013-00, Task Order 013, the Trade Capacity Building (TCB) Project helps developing countries assess their trade constraints and prioritize their traderelated technical assistance needs. The project provides trade experts for short-term technical assistance in developing countries and assists USAID missions in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating technical assistance that will stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty. Electronic copies of reports and materials related to trade needs assessments, resource guides, and trade training workshops are available at www.tcb-project.com. USAID Missions and Bureaus may seek assistance and funding for activities under this project by contacting John Ellis, USAID/EGAT, TCB Project Task Manager at jellis@usaid.gov.
For further information or hard copies of TCB publications, please contact Erin Endean Nathan Associates Inc. Chief of Party, TCB Project eendean@nathaninc.com
The authors of this report are Lynn Salinger of Associates for International Resources and Development; Sok Hach, Chea Samnang, and Neou Seiha of the Economic Institute of Cambodia; and Mauro Pereira, Heinz Reich, and Jan Urlings of Werner International.
Executive Summary 1. Why This Study? 2. Cambodian and Global