An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the College of Political Science and Public Administration
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor in Political Science
Diaz, Carlo R.
Calucag, Kristine
Dela Cruz, Mary Rose
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 The Problem and Its Background 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Background of the Study 2.3 Theoretical Framework 2.4 Conceptual Framework 2.5 Statement of the Problem 2.6 Objective 2.7 Hypothesis 2.8 Scope and Delimitation 2.9 Significance of the Study 2.10 Definition of Terms 2.0 Review of Related Literature and Studies 3.11 Foreign Literature 3.12 Local Literature 3.13 Foreign Studies 3.14 Local Studies 3.15 Synthesis and Relevance of Related Literature and Studies 3.0 Methodology 4.16 Research Design 4.17 Participants of the Study 4.18 Population and Sample Size 4.19 Data Gathering 4.20 Statistical Treatment
Appendices Written Questionnaire Letter to the Barangay
Family is the basic institution of the government. It is the core and vital structure that shapes the country. A strong family which encapsulates the primary basic rights (survival, security and empowerment) of a person, the indication that government system, policies and plans are working progressively for developing of the nation. Poor Income for every family is not just a burden for them alone but also for the government on how they would address its needs. The consequences of having a below minimum wage salaries for those poor families are
References: Sawhill (1988) loc. P. 1112. Aldi Hagenaars and Klass de Vos, K. (1998) “The Definition and Measurement of Poverty” The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. XXIII, No. 2 p.220. E. De Vera, “NCR minimum wage insufficient – IBON”, Manila Bulletin, April 24, 2012, p.14. J.G Chan, Labor Standards and Social Legislation, Vol. 1, 2009 Revised Edition, p.480. C.A Azucena, the Labor code with comments and cases, vol.1, 5th edition, 2004, p.156 M.V Remo, “GMA to push for tax exemption for minimum wage earners. Kaviyarasu Elangkovan, International Journal of Academic Research in Economics . Sept. 2012, Vol.1. Katz an Autor,(1999), Goldin and Katz (2001), and Acemoglu (2002) for overviews of literature. Intal, 1994; Marquez and Virola, 1995.