Capturing Passion Outcomes from Your Sponsorship!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Industry Challenge?
Property View
How can I justify the investment to the sponsor? Ok. Just send them something with sponsorship ROI on it.... Logo measurement & equivalent media value Scorecard systems An independent agency rates a sponsorship on several criteria based on judgement Does it improve our brand loyalty with existing owners? Are car buyers more likely to visit one the car dealerships based on the sponsorship? What’s the financial ROI? Clearly the sponsors have many questions that properties will struggle to know the answer Does it improve our brand image? Does it help with our dealer satisfaction? Does it assist with larger corporate sales? THESE ARE MARKETING QUESTIONS FOR THE SPONSOR TO ANSWER THEMSELVES
Sponsor View
Does our sponsorship create more car sales?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Sponsor driven or Property Driven?
Property Driven
Sponsorship objectives not provided by sponsor Property asked to provide ROI without involvement of the sponsor Property takes an off-the shelf solution that does not require a sponsors involvement Scorecard systems An independent agency rates a sponsorship on several criteria based on judgement
Sponsor Driven
Sponsorship objectives taken from the sponsors marketing objectives and serve as the basis of ROI Sponsor involved in ROI approach ROI approach based on market based the sponsors market metrics
Logo measurement & equivalent media value
ROI based on several measures not just one but they are all based on the target market. Feedback is obtained based on market information and surveys.
ROI not based on sponsor’s business objectives or marketing objectives with a target market. Measurements more difficult to use. Eg., How does logo exposure tell me if I will sell more cars? Sponsorship critics use the lack of market driven measurements to question