Mr. Bradley farm, was described as being at the near end of the intersection of two farm roads, this was so the animals sheltered there would be safe from the winter time. Along the driveway you found tractors, trucks and much different machinery, along with the pig confinement. The farm belongs to Bradley's father and grandfather, in whom he has been involved with the place since 1875; however his son also farms with his own cattle. Bradley farms, over 2.600 acres, that includes rented by nearby neighbors, they sell over 10,000 to 12,000 pigs a year.
Wayne begin his tour explain how the government has put stress on his farming life, ""He feels that his farm is under intense regulation and intense scrutiny all the time". He describes how other farmers use the waste (manure) because of the regulation, which once the weather comes in its spreaded along the creeks, when on the other hand he uses it as soil for his farming.
Along the tour, Singer and Mason saw where the Bradley's actually housed the pigs, and after view other farms they could say it was different. In which the confinement was better for the pigs when the weather was bad they could easily been taken