g. If you believe the loan should be approved, how much lower can the loan rate go for the loan to be still approved? If you believe the loan should not be approved, how much should the loan rate be raised for the loan to be approved?…
A community is a place where people around supposed to be able to live and thrive together. When one thinks of a community, the image that most likely is visualized is one of a place where each person lives harmoniously with all the other members of that community. While this may be the typical image of a community, it is not the realistic view. In reality communities can share both good and bad aspects. In Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century Peter Dreier, John Mollenkopf, and Todd Swanstrom make the argument that the place a person lives ultimately matters over all else; the place which a person lives effects the choices that that he/she makes and determines his/her ability to obtain a high quality of life.…
* Very Important Key element as it determines the number of people one manager can manage as well as the number of levels and managers an organization has.…
The last survey i took was the leadership orientation survey. It determines if you are a task or people oriented leader. I found that i was more of a task oriented leader. being a task oriented leader means you stay focused on getting the job done. You want to finish it and do it right. this result has relation to the results from Myers briggs, where it said i was logistic. being logistic is a huge part of being a task oriented leader. you have to think realistically when completing tasks to the best of your ability. This result best fit…
Journal of Management Development , Volume: 2, Issue:2, Page: 16 - 25, ISSN:0262-1711, DOI:10.1108/eb060113,Publisher: MCB UP Ltd…
Butters, J. 2004. GM to pour $3 billion into China. Detroit Free Press, June 7.…
Organizational structure and systems work hand in hand, a structure could be good but is not efficient on its own, and a management system gives a solid foundation of running an organization and implementing changes. Management systems include the organizational relationships, performance, and competition, all stakeholders must be considered in designing the systems (Tiller, 2011). A clear strategy and organizational structure accommodate an effective system which ensures functionality. Organizations operate in dynamic environments which they need to adjust to for survival. They should match their situation…
may have four main characteristics: Making the fit between the strategy and structure of the…
The Mckinsey method consists in a framework with 7 internal aspects of an organization that need to be aligned in order to improve its overall performance. Galbraith’s star contains a series of design policies, divided in 5 categories, that are controllable and can influence the employee’s behavior. The Mintzberg configurations try to define what structure is more adequate to each external situation and kind of companies, establishing 5 organizational types that contains factors that must “fit” properly for the organization to function well. Among these, in my opinion, the best model is the Porter’s Value Chain Analysis, because it is simple, objective and take in account the inputs and outputs of the system along with the activities that generate value for the consumer.…
The market industry for Airstar, Inc., which is manufacturing and repair of small jet engines and pistons is changing rapidly and is also facing tough competition from major competitors such as General Electric and Pratt & Whitney (Daft, Richard. P.84). According to our textbook organization design, is the process of administering and executing the strategic plan. By doing this the organization or company achieves its mission and goals. This process also addresses human resouce policies, the organization culture, the type of production technology, and linkages to other organizations.(Daft, Richard.p.56) Currently, Airstar, doesn’t have a current organizational goal that makes the company competitive. Since the company has never been under any threats this lead to a more chaotic work environment and frustration among employees and management personnel. Airstar management needs to create/develop or revise their direction-setting process in order to succeed and move forward. This process will give the company an end purpose and direction to remain in business and stay competitive in their market. Mr. Morgan will need to assess the external environment for opportunities and threats, amount of change, uncertainty, and resource available. He will also need to assess the internal strengths and weakness in order to define the company’s distinctive competence with other firms in the industry (Daft, Richard. p. 56).…
4. How much of the current structure is a direct result of the 7S actions that your management team has taken?…
strategy, structure, culture, tasks, people, and outputs, as well as how managerial decisions made in…
There are six key elements that managers need to address when they design their org.’s structure.…
1. Corporate level strategy: Has to do with the overall scope of the company and how value is…
However, all these theories put together in practice helps an organization become more successful in meeting its vision, mission, goals and objectives. The models mentioned below helps the organization produce goods and services efficiently, use modern manufacturing and information technologies, create value for owners, customers and employees etc.…