Mech-1103 assignment 2
STUDENT ID: 1615715
Faculty of engineering
Determination of concentration for unknown solutions of nitrite and phosphate.
Author: C. SUNGKUR
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When primary aromatic amine and nitrous acid react together, it results in a diazonium compound and this process is called diazotization. In this experiment, we are asked to find out the concentration of unknown solutions of nitrite and phosphate. In order to perform the experiment, diazotization method for NitriVer 3 nitrite reagent powder pillow and PhosVer 3 phosphate reagent powder …show more content…
This compound is vital for the survival of plants on planet earth. Compound containing nitrite (sodium nitrite) are used in preservation and flavouring of food.
Nitrite may be useful as well as dangerous to the environment. Nitrite is found in a large number of fertilizers and pesticides. During rainfall the chemicals are carried away to rivers and groundwater, resulting in a disbalance in the marine ecosystem. Consumption of such contaminated water can be health hazardous.
PO43- is a phosphate in which phosphorus and oxygen atoms are present. Phosphate is used in the manufacture of fertilizer, detergents, toothpastes, cured meat, pharmaceuticals, water softeners and many more.
Phosphate is also helpful in water and wastewater treatment.
Aim of Experiment
The aim is to determine the molarity of unknown samples of Nitrite and Phosphate, using the method of wavelength absorption of known concentration of respective anion.
Methodology for NITRITE
CHEMICAL USED: - A 0.1mg/L solution of …show more content…
But in this experiment that we performed, the line at the Y-axis approaches 0 (Y-intercept = -0.0155 for nitrite and 0.1 for phosphate). A slight change in the results is caused due to factors contributing to errors.
Sources of errors in experiments are:
Poor pipetting techniques (Bubble of air may be present in pipette). Poorly mixed solution (Presence of undissolved powder in mixture). Impurities on the vials (Impurities on the vials surfaces may affect the wavelength for absorbance to occur).
Steps to improve experiment:
Release the pipette filler slowly to avoid air bubbles. Use a stirring rod to mix the solution. Clean the vials with distilled water.
Throughout this experiment, we found the concentration of ions in sample of unknown solution of nitrite and phosphate. Using the spectrometer we have determined absorbance of various concentrations of nitrite and phosphate solutions.
Graphs of absorbance against concentration were plotted. According to the graphs we can assume that absorbance proportional to concentration (for both nitrite and phosphate solution). Therefore we can consider that absorbance and concentration vary linearly to each