1. To Study various Temperature Measuring Instruments and to Estimate their Response times.
(a) Mercury – in glass thermometer
(b) Thermocouple
(c) Electrical resistance thermometer
(d) Bio-metallic strip
2. To study the working of Bourdon Pressure Gauge and to check the calibration of the gauge in a deadweight pressure gauge calibration set up.
3. To study a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and use it in a simple experimental set up to measure a small displacement.
4. To study the characteristics of a pneumatic displacement gauge.
5. To measure load (tensile/compressive) using load cell on a tutor.
6. To measure torque of a rotating shaft using torsion meter/strain gauge torque transducer.
7. To measure the speed of a motor shaft with the help of non-contact type pick-ups (magnetic or photoelectric).
8. To measure the stress & strain using strain gauges mounted on simply supported beam/cantilever beam.
9. To measure static/dynamic pressure of fluid in pipe/tube using pressure transducer/pressure cell.
10. To test experimental data for Normal Distribution using Chi Square test.
11. To learn the methodology of pictorial representation of experimental data and subsequent calculations for obtaining various measures of true value and the precision of measurement using Data acquisition system/ calculator.
12. Vibration measurement by Dual Trace Digital storage Oscilloscope.
13. To find out transmission losses by a given transmission line by applying capacitive /inductive load.
14. Process Simulator.
1. At least ten experiments are to be performed in the Semester.
2. At least seven experiments should be performed from the above list. Remaining three experiments may either be performed from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institution as per the scope of the Syllabus.
Experiment No:1
Aim: To Study various Temperature Measuring Instruments and to