One of the biggest motivating forces behind mechanization is disappearing of professional and skilled foundry men. And the new ones have not such skills resulting in loss of foundry following reputation loss and even shut down of foundry. In one foundry, foundry superintendent made a report and gave it to management which (report) describes:
1. Former type of labor was no longer available
2. Increased amount of manual handling was increasing cost as well as discouraging Youngers one from getting into foundry game.
3. Production requirement had increased beyond the capacity of old foundry and it was certain that it would remain high
4. The need to improve quality would follow the desire to meet competition
5. Competitors were mechanizing
EFFECT OF MECHANIZATION: Effect here means what are consequences of mechanization of old foundry and impact of further mechanization. For example, gun spraying is believed to be harmful to the workers; expensive protective suits are required or may arouse legislative or union action to stop its use. On the other gun spraying is well known for material saving and for good result. Mechanization is well known for mass production but double output is of no value unless it can be sold, but foundry men believe that their castings can pay for mechanization. In automated foundries,