Group 9
Mechatronics is vast subject containing many key elements such as signals and systems, softwares, computer logic systems. This report consists of the construction and planning of an object avoidance robot designed and programmed by this group.
This project run by a team of three future engineers entails the development and manufacture of a pseudo intelligent, autonomous mobile robot of which its major function is the avoidance of objects in its travel path.
Each member of Group 3 had combined equal input due to the complexity of the robot and time restraints, tasks will be designated to each team member and are outlined in the project plan section of this report.
Intense research was put in to microcontrollers, programming languages, mobile robot platforms, motor drivers, encoders, sensors and electronic components to arrive at the most suitable and cost effective solution for the construction of this project.
This report is in the style of a system specification report, presenting the research, tasks completed, design processes and design development, functionality of the final model, program testing and specifications of the final design.
This report will also trace the steps of the project from planning and development right to the final production and demonstration of the robot.
This project has given us an immense understanding and knowledge about the subject of Mechatronics. It also helped us in the understanding of how these devises were used in various applications used in a vast amount of equipments.
This report is result of a collaborative effort between two of my colleagues and me. Following are the group members, * V.G.P.M.Abeywickrama (Group Leader) * N.Dissanayake * F.S.S.Pulle
All three members participated for the successful completion of the assignment, and work in the report was divided among us,
References: Edward L. Safford, J., The Complete Handbook of Robotics. 1st ed. 1978: Blue Ridge Summit, Pa : Tab Books, c1978. 358. Microchip. Products. 2006 ; Available from: http://www.microchip.com/.