Be weak-minded, be vulnerable, be annoying, and be a “woman”. Women have evolved as leaders today, but what about back then? Medea helps …show more content…
Protofeminist Or Misogynist? Medea As A Case Study Of Gendered Discourse In Euripidean Drama. 2009. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.
Andrew Messing, a researcher at Harvard University, was able to provide a well developed criticism. He focuses on developing methods for the study of complex systems. His publication of literary criticism compares and contrasts masculinity and feminine traits within Medea. The material in this publication can show women in leadership positions and its effects.
Throughout the many themes of Medea, feminism plays a large role. Medea challenges the stereotype that women are weak and disregards her role as a mother. On the contrary, feminism is a broad topic that would need a lot of expansion. In a case where the information was insufficient, there is the approach of whether Euripides’ was a proto-feminist or misogynist. Also, there is a possibility of taking the idea of revenge, being that when one betrays another, all can be tarnished.
The role feminism plays in today’s society, is higher than it has ever been. The impact of Medea should focus on how women have evolved from followers to leaders. This leaves readers wanting to investigate the role women back in ancient