Bibliography: Anderson, Craig A. "Violent Video Games and Other Media Violence, Part II." Pediatrics for Parents 26.3/4 (2010): 21. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Brown, Harry J. Video Games and Education. Greencastle, Ind., 2008. This book has some good articles on video games interfering with education and tells how big of a problem video games on education are Gunter, Barrie. Media Sex: What Are the Issues? New Jersey, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. London, 2002. Gunter, Barrie. The effects of video games on children. England, Sheffield: Sheffield Academy Press, 1998. This book shows the effects short term and long term of video games on kids Gunter, Barrie, Jackie Harrison, and Maggie Wykes. Violence on Television: Distribution, Form, Context, and Themes. New Jersey, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. London, 2003. Shoemaker, Carma, Haley. “The Music Made Me Do It” How Much Influence Does Music Have on Teens? Parenting. Disney: All Rights Reserved, 2009. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. This article talks about the cause and effects of music in today’s culture Willis, Laurie. Video Games. Greenhaven Press, 2009. This book goes into great detail about what video games can do and what to watch out for with some of them
Bibliography: Anderson, Craig A. "Violent Video Games and Other Media Violence, Part II." Pediatrics for Parents 26.3/4 (2010): 21. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Brown, Harry J. Video Games and Education. Greencastle, Ind., 2008. This book has some good articles on video games interfering with education and tells how big of a problem video games on education are Gunter, Barrie. Media Sex: What Are the Issues? New Jersey, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. London, 2002. Gunter, Barrie. The effects of video games on children. England, Sheffield: Sheffield Academy Press, 1998. This book shows the effects short term and long term of video games on kids Gunter, Barrie, Jackie Harrison, and Maggie Wykes. Violence on Television: Distribution, Form, Context, and Themes. New Jersey, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. London, 2003. Shoemaker, Carma, Haley. “The Music Made Me Do It” How Much Influence Does Music Have on Teens? Parenting. Disney: All Rights Reserved, 2009. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. This article talks about the cause and effects of music in today’s culture Willis, Laurie. Video Games. Greenhaven Press, 2009. This book goes into great detail about what video games can do and what to watch out for with some of them