Teresa Liles
December 10, 2012
Christopher Page
Detecting Media Bias
Same-sex marriage has been an on-going battle for many years. California’s opposition to same-sex marriage, Proposition 8, barely passed in the 2008 election. Same-sex marriage has been a news-worthy topic since 1997 when Hawaii passed a Domestic Partnership policy which triggered other states to change policies as well. This issue started a state-to-state debate of whether same-sex couples should have the same rights that heterosexual, married couples have. This debate between states has reached a Congressional level. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases surrounding this on-going debate. The cases the Court will hear are related to allowable benefits for same-sex partners, and California’s ban on gay marriage.
The New York Times’ article about the Supreme Court taking up the same-sex marriage issue was clear and accurate. There were good statistics about states’ involvements in the on-going debate. There were hyper-links to other topics related to this article such as Social Security benefits, estate taxes, Proposition 8, and domestic partnerships in specific states. The facts that were reported in this New York Times’ article were specific and detailed enough to gather the message of the topic being presented. Other facts that support the topic, although not detailed in this report, allow for readers to research further at their own will, using the provided links.
This article regarding the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the argument for same-sex marriage does not cover information outside of the United States. The article does cover statistical information from a few select states that have been in the news surrounding this topic. The alternative perspectives discussed were merely, people are either for same-sex marriage or they are against it. The article did not go into detail about the process of getting to the place of contemplating