Literature review Media has become the main way for people to get information no matter is the ancient story or the latest news. However, the negative impact also comes out. For example, according to a meta-analysis of 25studies from 1979-2001 shows that people’s body images felt more positive after seeing a fat media image than viewing a thin media image(Groesz,L.,&ump;Murnen,2007). Thus, the researcher sum up that the slender image can let people feel satisfaction. As a result, mare and more social or psychological researcher want to study that how the media influences people’s thinking and use the satisfaction to describe the measure of body image.
Previous study one( body image study in adolescents) The researcher Hill, G.J. who is the assistant professor of Texas Christian University had a study focus on two main objects. First, to determine media images influence the body image among the collage students. Second, to find if the media effect collage students’ body satisfaction(Hill,G.J.,2009). According to him, the abilitiesof people realise body satisfaction and health behavior,are influenced by mass media images is very important for family and
Cited: Clark,M.,(2004). Is weight loss a realistic goal of treatment in type 2 diabetes? The implications of restraint theory, Patient Educ Couns,53, pp. 277–283. Groesz,L.,&ump;Murnen. (2007). National Eating Disorders Association. National Eating Disorders Association Organization Overview. Retrieved from Hill,G.J.,(2009). Media images:Do they influence college students’ body image? Journal of family and consumer sciences, 101,28-33. Retrieved from:;did=1879873901&ump;SrchMode=2&ump;sid=1&ump;Fmt=3&ump;VInst=PROD&ump;VType=PQD