Media Influences on Society Media is a major part of everyday society of all ages and cultures. It is a way of keeping everyone connected to each other. Because it has that ability to reach the mass, it can serve as a very influential tool. Something with this much power is naturally a topic of discussion on its positive and negative influences on society. Some of its major influences that have been the source of many conducted studies are violence, marketing, politics, and self image.
Violent media and its influence on society is an ongoing debate that researchers are continuously doing studies on. According to the Media Awareness Network website, many researchers argue that children exposed to violence in the media causes them to behave more aggressively as children and also when they mature into adults. In 1963, there was a study done by professors A. Badura, D. Ross and S.A. Ross. They studied the effects of violence into categories of real life, television, and cartoon violence. They divided a group of 100 preschoolers into four groups where one group was a control group and the other groups were exposed to the same incident in real life, by television, and by cartoon. The study consisted of a person shouting insults and hitting an inflatable doll with a mallet. When the researchers put the children in a frustrating situation, the children that witnessed the incident in real life and on television were the most aggressive, followed by the children who watched the cartoon violence. The group that was the least aggressive was the control group who viewed nothing. On the other end of the spectrum, the violence viewed on television does not necessarily mean that will make people more aggressive. There are other behaviors that may developed by watching the violence. According to, the new obsessions of cop shows possibly make people more paranoid. People are less likely to go out at night or to help strangers
Cited: (March 7, 2008). Positive Media Influence on Body Image. Retrieved August 1, 2010, from (July 16, 2004). Who is Rupert Murdoch? Retrieved July 31, 2010, from (October 22, 2008). Winning the Media Campaign. Retrieved July 31, 2010, from Dove. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from, Lehmann, D and Lotti, M. (December 17, 2007). AMA Definition of Marketing. Retrieved August 1, 2010, from Research on the Effects of Media Violence. Retrieved July 31, 2010, from The Mass Media and Politics. Retrieved July 30, 2010, from