“a review released today, which analyzed 173 of the strongest papers over 28 years, finds that 80% agree that heavy media exposure increases the risk of harm, including obesity, smoking, sex, drug, and alcohol use, attention problems and poor grades” (Liz Szado 10). First of all, a thing worthy of special mention is how bad television affects young people’s sexuality. According to the BBC journal, in the questionnaire survey which targeted for approximately one thousand children whose average age is 13 years old, researchers asked about the television program and movies which were often seen, the music which is listened to, and the magazine which was often read first. Then after that, researchers let them answer how they will become as individuals for the opposite sex and with sexual experience. As a result, it has been understood that children, who have frequently contacted with the media which includes sexuality, have actual sex experience or stronger thoughts which is willing to have sex in the future. Additionally, specialists analyze that the influence which media gives to children is greater than religion, school, parents, and friends. Also, that influence is the maximum and only habitat factor that affects criterion for judgment of time having sex experience and permissible range of male-female relationships. Among the various media, the television is considered to be the maximum source of sexuality. Almost all contents which are described through such media are likely to show that having sex does not accompany any risks, and it is just like a recreation or entertainment (JAPANJORNAL). Human sexuality is important for everybody. It is not entertainment, so people should have deep understanding and not think about this lightly. Yet, the effects of television on minors are that it will make them more optimistic about sexual intercourse. If so, pregnancy of young girls might increase, and rate of girl’s abortion might increase as well. In addition, “the country” Micheal Brody mentions, “need to address the onslaught of negative images. Children today have greater exposure to on-line pornography and Internet “hate site” that attack minorities and gays” (Liz Szado 10). Obviously, direst pornography can cause negative in children who watch pornography as children may be immature about sexuality. If so, this negative experience cause children trauma or might cause negative behavior in the future. Moreover, promotion of the existence of “hate site[s]” is also an issue. On the Internet people can say anything because people can hide their individual information like their name, age, and even sex, so people can say anything without taking responsibility. People should not attach minorities and homosexuals because it is natural that no two minds think and feel alike, and everyone has the basic human right to exist without censure. The spread of the Internet could promote attacks on minorities and homosexuals, which might cause the loss of the ability to care for other people and kindness. On the other hand, Tralee Pearce states “when it comes the brain development of infant, though, TV viewing neither helps nor harms” (Tralee 1). However, it is not new to hear that long-contact with violent images from early childhood cor relates with violent actions and possible events during later years because growing children always soak up information from their environment. So, it is not difficult to imagine what kind if possible future children have if they watch a lot of violent television. Mass media does not only have a negative effect. In fact, mass media actually has a both a bright side and a dark side. It is like two sides of the same coin which are incapable of separating. In other words, it is impossible for educated people to live with no mass media; therefore, it is also impossible that people will not receive any influence from mass media. In conclusion, it is important for people to create good relationships with media. I think that we need to be more careful about the effects of mass media to under-age children. For example, ‘limiting TV exposure, learning how children are using Internet, and not allowing children to have their own computers’ (Liz Szado 10). Moreover, I think that we should not forget that the danger of mass media is lurking in our daily lives and it can break through easily.
Work Cited
Liz, Szado. “Kid’s health is in danger from heavy media exposure; Lack of Limits leads to obesity, sex, drugs.” USA TODAY 2 December. 2008:
10. LexisNexis. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg. 20 April. 2009
Tralee, Pearce. “Infant TV-viewing no helps nor harms.” The Globe and Mail 3 March. 2009: 1. LexisNexis. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg. 20 April. 2009 Kotrla, Bowie. “Sex and Violence; Is Exposure to Media Content Harmful to Children?” 5 (2007) 50-52. EBSCO host. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg. 20 April. 2009
Jane D. Brown and Sarah N. Keller. “Can the Mass Media Be Health Sex Educators?” 32(2000): 255-256 EBSCO host. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg. 20 April. 2009
Cited: 10. LexisNexis. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg. 20 April. 2009 Tralee, Pearce 3 March. 2009: 1. LexisNexis. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg Children?” 5 (2007) 50-52. EBSCO host. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg JAPAN JOURNALS. UK TODAY 30 March. 2009: Jane D Educators?” 32(2000): 255-256 EBSCO host. Central Washington U, Brooks Memorial Lib., Ellensburg
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