My target audience are young women from 17 to 25, who want to have or already have a sophisticated and classy style without being able to pay for Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Burberry or Dior. It concentrates on providing this style with not much money and it also centres on natural cosmetics, as well as more extravagant makeup styles for nights out.
They are mostly unemployed and full-time educated or part- time employed and part- time educated, because they are still in school or studying and if they work they can only do that in the evening, after school/ university. They often shop at brands like Zara, Mango, Stradivarius and Massimo Dutti because they feel that it represents their style without being over-expensive.
My Target Audience is either single or in a not very serious relationship, which results in them caring very much about their physical selves, the cosmetics they use and of course the clothes they wear.
The women like going out to bars or clubs but always pay attention that they don’t get too drunk and make a fool of themselves. When they go out they like to put on a fancy makeup style, for example smokey eyes, while during the day they stick to a natural look with not too much makeup. To establish this, without looking too tired and exhausted they take good care of their skin with creams and cleansing products.
The readers like following fashions trends but also value to keep their uniqueness, because they don’t want to be basic. This often shows in the accessories or in shoes. They want to be fashionable but without being like everyone else.
My ideal readers admire high-fashion models like Miranda Kerr, Rosie Huntington- Whiteley or Blake Lively. Because they are always cheerful and have fun at life they wants to capture their favourite moments in terms of nights out or vacation memories so they are interested in photography accessories for their phones or even in good cameras and photo editing programs