Target Audience
How will the segment be suited to the target audience?
According to our research, the topic we are working on is very suited to the target audience in our area. Since we are doing a segment for the home in Cramlington, we know that the majority of the over 50s enjoy watching crime dramas like CSI and NCIS. We have some proof because Will’s Grandma enjoys watching these sorts of things on the TV. Another person who enjoys watching the sorts of things like this is My Gran and Her Friend, who watch NCIS all of the time. The research of the survey done on this shows that just over the majority enjoy crime drama so it will be suited to some if not most people.
How will the Visual style appeal to the Audience?
The visual style and pacing will suit the Target Audience because it is a medium-paced video, which will make it easier to understand than our last one. This is because the Target Audience is different to 11-18 year olds so it needs to be slower paced so an older Audience can understand it as well as an 18 year old could. The appearance is a documentary based segment with a few comedic sketches here and there. This will ensure it is still funny as well as being informative and it will keep the segment entertaining.
How is the content relevant to the segment?
The content is documentary based to ensure that the audience will understand the point of the segment. The reason we have done this is to ensure that the Over 50s can understand it because otherwise putting it in a whole sketch form will make it too complicated for them to grasp and they are only really funny to people the same age as our sense of humour. Making a segment for older viewers is difficult but in order to keep it interesting for them it will need to show the information in an informative way so that is easy to