Number of communicators (one through many). Physical proximity of the communicators in relation to each other (close or distant). Immediacy of the exchange, whether it is taking place either (1) live or in apparently real time or (2) on a delayed basis. Number of sensory channels (including visual, auditory, tactile and so on). The context of the communication …show more content…
► Mediated Interpersonal Communication
Mediated interpersonal communication involves technology that assists or links the sender and receiver of messages. This may involve immediacy (live or so-called real time). It does not involve a primary context but instead uses technology to link the various parties in communication.
• Dyadic communication includes two people, with some of the elements of interpersonal, but the context is not face-to-face. Example: Two business colleagues using the telephone or e-mail.
• Group communication includes a small group of people. Example: Teleconference in a distance learning class.
Mediated communication offers the advantage that it allows people to communicate over a distance or throughout a time span that would not be possible in direct communication. E-mail offers instantaneous global communication, and cell phones are highly mobile. Computer technology makes it possible for people to do their job without being physically present, allowing them to work from their home or from across the