Literature Review of Mediation and Advocacy
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and review the literature of three different websites about mediation and advocacy. The author of this paper found three interesting websites that were informational and helpful.
The first website the author of this paper visited is This website is actually a PDF article of one mediator’s opinion of advocacy in the litigation process for both state and federal court cases. The information found in this article is both informational and educational in regards to what role an advocate and mediator play in a court case. However, this article is simply an opinion of a mediator and not a website one would go to if he or she is looking for the assistance of an advocate or mediator.
The Advocacy and Mediation Ltd
The second website the author of this paper visited is The Advocacy and Mediation Ltd. This website is offers information on current trends in advocacy and mediation. This website also offers assistance in finding the right advocate or mediator in any situation an advocate is needed. This website discusses who The Advocacy and Mediation Ltd are, what they do, and how they can help clients in various situations. This website discusses different costs for different assistance that they provide. This website provides phone numbers and email addresses of some of its advocates and also provides a contact link for general enquiries. This website is both informational and helpful.
Mediators and Everything Mediation
The third website the author of this paper visited is Mediators and Everything Mediation. This website is much like the previously mentioned website in the informational aspect. This website discusses the various types of advocacy with which it provides such as Advocacy in the Family Court and the Criminal Court Systems, Court Accompaniment, Assistance in
References: Lewis, M. (1995). Advocacy in Mediation: One Mediator 's View. Retrieved from Resourceful Internet Solutions, Inc. (1996-2012). Mediators and everything Mediation. Retrieved from The Advocacy and Mediation Ltd. (2012). Retrieved from